This week
along with continued work on our course outline assignment rough drafts, we
learned about how important it is to get the students engaged in the materials
we are teaching. Keeping the students engrossed is directly related to how they
will learn the information we are presenting. The primary indicators of engagement
in an online course (which most of us are creating for the course outline
assignment) learning environment are the amount of interaction between students
and the attribute of that interaction. This goes on into relevance, which we
also learned about in this module. What is relevance? Making an assignment
relevant is when you make the material significant to the students. It is
essential to inform the students why they are doing a certain activity. It's
never good when the students just feel like your course consists of busy work
they are doing for no reason. The effect of significance is that students will
be more interested in the material. The more likely they are to pay attention
the more likely they are to retain the information being taught for the future.
There are three forms of relevance: past, current, and future. Past relevance
might strike the interest in one or two students, but probably not the whole
group. This is when students want to know why a certain occurrence occurred.
Current relevance is material that will immediately affect the students.
Learning specific information that will be used in the near future but probably
forgotten. Future relevance is material that will affect students in the
future. This is the utmost rate of relevance because students are more likely
to remember information they will need again at some point in the future.
Relevance and engaging information go hand in hand. If the information is
relevant the students will inevitably be more engaged in learning.
Item of
This week
my item of interest is actually how to make my information I am teaching about
athletic training relevant and engaging to the students. I am trying to come up
with ways to make the assessments I am using be engaging to the students. I
think them having to record themselves taping and then watch 2 of their fellows
tape and give feedback to them will help. The course I am teaching is important,
but I want to make this class really interesting for my students where they
want to pursue it as a career after I’ve taught them the basics. There’s so
much that goes into being an athletic trainer. People who enjoy being around
sporting events and love traveling would be really interested in this career, I
or Concern
I don't
really have a problem or concern this week, other trying to make my course
engaging and interesting for the students. I want them to enjoy learning how to
be an athletic trainer. I don't want it to seem too difficult or overwhelming to
do the assignments or assessments for the course. If anyone has any suggestions
for this, then feel free to give me any advice! All advice is appreciated! J