Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Chapter 6 Guided Question

As a future teacher leader I can use Twitter in my classroom so that I am “visible” online while contributing meaningful content in conjunction with others around the world. I can participate in online chats on Twitter that enhance my teaching in the classroom. I can connect with educators around the world and collaborate and learn best practices used in education. This will allow me to continue to grow as a learner and hopefully help others in their learning. Twitter also allows documentation for my administrators and parents for what is being taught in my room throughout the school year. Twitter is effective for developing PLNs and becoming more knowledgeable in areas that one may need to work on. Twitter is an excellent way to stay current with education practices today. I know teachers that use Twitter on a daily basis “tweeting” about what is happening that day on their classroom. I also know that most of the teachers that use Twitter follow professional educators and incorporate their learning into their classroom. It is a win-win situation for everyone involved.   

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